This simple example project is the same as the 12-bit Sampler, but the audio sample is played in reverse. In the Arduino menu, choose File->Examples->Audio Hacker->SamplerReverse. Record your audio sample with button S1 on the Audio Hacker (top button), and play it back in reverse using the S2 button. Just as with the 12-bit Sampler, you can connect a potentiometer to A0 to adjust the playback speed. If you are unsure how to wire the potentiometer, see analog input tutorial. To enable this feature, make a minor code change to set adjustablePlaybackSpeed = true;. Arduino will prompt you to save your changed sketch to another location.
Is there an easy way to disable pass through audio? I just want playback only coming through the speakers to avoid feedback. Thanks, great gadget !
This is the code that writes to the audio output:
if (mode != RECORD_DONE) {
So if you don’t want any output while recording, change it to:
if (mode == PLAYBACK) {
I think that will suppress the output unless in PLAYBACK mode, which is what I think you are asking for…
Hey that got it ! A million thanks. One other thing if you have a minute, I would like it to play back immediately after the record button is released. In other words no need to push playback button
That requires a lot of changes, but I can probably send you an untested version to try. Please contact us so we can email you. Contact Us