How to loop echo?

Store Forums Audio Hacker Discussion and Project Ideas How to loop echo?

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  • #13212

    Hi everyone,

    I am currently working on a project where I want to create an 2000ms echo of an voice input. This echo should be repeated while it looses every repetition 5% of its gain. Additionally, Echo and new input should be mixed. I hope my description explains the overall functionality of my project.

    I had a look into Echo Effect example which goes in the right direction. Now I would like to refeed the echo into the input after reducing it by 5%.

    Can anybody help me with code?

    Best and thanks, Max


    I managed to get the kind of echo effect I wanted by shifting to code blocks. Now, I write mix (signal + echo) to SRAM. The result is that echo will repeat several times.

    Now I’m facing a new problem
    The echos repeated get quite/weaker from time to time. So that an initial input is fading out over five repetitions. I failed in finding out where this is happening.

    My guess here:

    echo = echo >> 1; // attenuate echo

    Is there a way to reduce the level by eg. 5%?

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