start stop function

Store Forums Defusable Clock General Discussion start stop function

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    I was wondering if there is a start/stop function for the countdown timer and if it would be possile to use a toggle switch to operate said function


    The default firmware does not have a start/stop function, but it could be easily developed if you have a USB-serial cable or adapter. You could use one of the 4 wire terminals for this function.


    Right on. I was thinking of making a two timer system and have the timers controlled by toggle switches. This is going to be for airsoft. Have one timer run down and you have “defused the bomb,” and the other “detonates.” Why I would like it to be a two timer system is so the device would be placed in one position on the field and can not be moved. Both teams would fight over the position, one trying to “defuse” the other trying to “detonate.” either team can pause the other teams remaining time but not reset it. Once one teams time has expired the device has either been “defused” or “detonated” and the game is over. That’s kind of the base idea that I have right now. I know there are a million possible scenarios anyone could come up with though with this device. And thanks!


    Those are good ideas. There are a lot of good ideas coming out of the airsoft/paintball community!

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