Hi All,
I am running OS X El Capitan and am using Arduino IDE 1.0.5. (I was using 1.6.8 but had problems so am using the older IDE). I was attempting to print to the serial monitor with VE attached and running the overlay demo and found threads here from Michael indicating that one cannot use standard Serial library due to timing needs of the VE. Ok, so I want to compile the example that comes with the TVOut library (NTSCserialTerm).
When I attempt to compile it, I get no joy, and this error:
“Error Compiling”
In file included from NTSCserialTerm.pde:2:
/Users/kb/Documents/Arduino/libraries/pollserial/pollserial.h:46: error: conflicting return type specified for ‘virtual void pollserial::write(uint8_t)’
/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/Print.h:48: error: overriding ‘virtual size_t Print::write(uint8_t)’
I would appreciate some guidance.If the answer is obvious it is escaping me.
Thank you Nootropicans.