awesome to see this released now. have just ordered the kit.. Now looking for good ideas to make the imitation explosives, thinking of doing sticks of TNT, will post pictures once built!
great project, heaps of fun to put together.. this version involved a rake handle and a brown roll of paper cut into a4 sheets, ruffled up a bit, then fed into our laser printer..
more photos been sent just now to be added to the gallery!
if (digitalRead(COLON) == LOW)
digitalWrite(COLON, HIGH);
digitalWrite(COLON, LOW);
//Added this block to chime & count down to each hour
if (((hours >= 8) && !pm) || ((hours <= 10) && pm)) { // only chime between 8am and 10pm
if ((minutes ==59) && (seconds == (60 – (hours + 1)))) { //countdown top of hour for number of seconds the hour is turning