Store › Forums › Defusable Clock › General Discussion › mosfet or a relay for sirene when countdown =00:00
- This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 1 month ago by
December 31, 2013 at 2:58 pm #671
I try to install and to command a siren or a revolving light when the countdown arrived in 00:00 (I use one relay or MOSFET)I dont know Atmel but a little processseur PIC.
I do not use the clock and the alarm for the play of AIRSOFT only countdown.
To have the information of command, I suggest using the button alarm or pin23 of ATMEL
a) Is it possible to delete the button Alarm and the replaced by an exit on MOSFET or relay to command a siren or a flash light when the countdown achieves 00:00 ?
or idea ,
b) I use a pin 23 for to connect on mosfet or relay when the coundown achieves 00:00 , :-X
What part of the code needs it to change ?
thank you for your help
franceJanuary 5, 2014 at 2:30 pm #1842Michael
KeymasterPin 23 (A0) is not in use, so yes you can use this pin to control a MOSFET. There is no pad to solder to, so you would need to solder to pin 23 on the back of the board. Is that what you mean?
I do not quite understand your question about “deleting button alarm”. This button is connected to pin 24 (A1), not pin 23. Yes, you can use this pin, also. Instead of button, you connect a MOSFET, right?
To use this pin, set it as an output pin:
pinMode(A1, OUTPUT);
To set it high (5v):
digitalWrite(A1, HIGH);
To set it low (ground):
digitalWrite(A1, LOW);
Is that what you mean?
January 5, 2014 at 6:56 pm #1844didierschmit
I wish to connect a siren and a revolving light. (8 in 12v with 1A).
They will be commanded when the countdown arrives at 00.00.Can you say to yourself the line of code to get back the value of the countdown which arrives in 00:00
thank you
didierJanuary 5, 2014 at 8:42 pm #1845Michael
KeymasterCan you say to yourself the line of code to get back the value of the countdown which arrives in 00:00
I’m sorry, I just don’t understand your question.
January 7, 2014 at 6:03 pm #1850didierschmit
Memberhi michael,
I do not know the langag of programming C
How to recuperer the value comptdown=00:00
didierJanuary 8, 2014 at 6:09 am #1852didierschmit
Memberhi michael
I thinkIF contdown =00:00 then digitalWrite(A1, HIGH)
IF contdown =00:00 then digitalWrite(A1,low)
but where I put this code ?January 8, 2014 at 3:37 pm #1854Michael
KeymasterIn the function detonate(). This is called when the countdown reaches 00:00.
January 8, 2014 at 5:44 pm #1853didierschmit
thank michael,
I try to write code.I put this code in the form if it’s good;
didierJanuary 19, 2014 at 2:15 pm #1863didierschmit
I TRY to write the code.
there is functional.
but it can be improved.
I am interested in any help.
Defusable Clock Firmware
Copyright (C) 2013 nootropic design, LLC
All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This version is specialized for Airsoft Team Whiteberry in Kirzhach, Russia.
The clock is a 24-hour clock. After detonation, the display reads 00:00 until
the DET button is pressed.
#define CLOCK 2
#define LATCH 3
#define DATA 4
#define COLON 13
#define MIN_BUTTON 0
#define HOUR_BUTTON 1
#define DET_BUTTON 2
#define ALARM_BUTTON 3
#define MIN_BUTTON_PIN 9
#define HOUR_BUTTON_PIN 10
#define DET_BUTTON_PIN 12
#define LED_PM 16
#define LED_ALARM 17
#define LED_TOP 18
#define LED_DET 19
#define BUZZER 11
#define WIRE_1 5
#define WIRE_2 6
#define WIRE_3 7
#define WIRE_4 8
#define TIMER1_SECOND_START 49910
#define ALARM_OFF 0
#define ALARM_ON 1
#define ALARM_DET 2
volatile byte hours = 12;
volatile byte minutes = 0;
volatile byte seconds = 0;
volatile unsigned int countdownSeconds;
volatile boolean ticked = false;
boolean displayCountdown = false;
boolean displayZeros = false;
boolean countdownRunning = false;
byte buttonState[4] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH,LOW}; // change level bouton ALARM_BUTTON_PIN
unsigned long buttonChange[4] = {0L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
byte alarmHours = 12;
byte alarmMinutes = 0;
byte alarmMode = ALARM_OFF;
volatile boolean alarmRinging = false;
boolean displayAlarmTime = false;
byte snoozeHours = 12;
byte snoozeMinutes = 0;
boolean snoozeActivated = false;
boolean blank = false;
volatile byte currentDigit = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(COLON, LOW);
pinMode(LED_PM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ALARM_BUTTON_PIN, OUTPUT); // change level ALARM_BUTTON_PIN for mosfet or relay
pinMode(WIRE_1, INPUT);
pinMode(WIRE_2, INPUT);
pinMode(WIRE_3, INPUT);
pinMode(WIRE_4, INPUT);
digitalWrite(HOUR_BUTTON_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MIN_BUTTON_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ALARM_BUTTON_PIN, LOW);// change level button ALARM_BUTTON_PIN
digitalWrite(DET_BUTTON_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(WIRE_1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(WIRE_2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(WIRE_3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(WIRE_4, HIGH);
// Read time from EEPROM
hours =;
minutes =;
seconds =;
alarmHours =;
alarmMinutes =;
alarmMode =;
if ((hours == 0) || (hours > 23) || (alarmHours == 0) || (alarmHours > 23) || (minutes >= 60) || (alarmMinutes >= 60) || (alarmMode > ALARM_DET)) {
// invalid data in EEPROM (first time power up)
hours = 12;
minutes = 0;
seconds = 0;
alarmHours = 12;
alarmMinutes = 0;
alarmMode = ALARM_OFF;
// Initialize timers.
// Timer1 is used to keep the clock time
// Timer2 is used for the display multiplexing
// Disable the timer overflow interrupt
TIMSK2 &= ~(1 << TOIE2);
// Set timer2 to normal mode
TCCR2A &= ~((1 << WGM21) | (1 << WGM20));
TCCR2B &= ~(1 << WGM22);
// Use internal I/O clock
ASSR &= ~(1 << AS2);
// Disable compare match interrupt
TIMSK2 &= ~(1 << OCIE2A);
// Prescalar is clock divided by 128
TCCR2B |= (1 << CS22);
TCCR2B &= ~(1 << CS21);
TCCR2B |= (1 << CS20);
// Start the counting at 0
TCNT2 = 0;
// Enable the timer2 overflow interrupt
TIMSK2 |= (1 << TOIE2);
// init timer1
// set prescaler to 1024
TIMSK1 &= ~(1<TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = (1<TIMSK1 |= (1< // With prescalar of 1024, TCNT1 increments 15,625 times per second
// 65535 - 15625 = 49910
void loop() {
if (ticked) {
ticked = false;
// write info to EEPROM
EEPROM.write(0, hours);
EEPROM.write(1, minutes);
EEPROM.write(2, seconds);
EEPROM.write(4, alarmHours);
EEPROM.write(5, alarmMinutes);
EEPROM.write(7, alarmMode);
//if (alarmRinging) {
//if (alarmMode == ALARM_ON) {
if (alarmMode == ALARM_DET) {
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
beep(3900, 250, false);
displayCountdown = true;
countdownSeconds = COUNTDOWN_DURATION;
//alarmRinging = false;
// }
delay(10); // this helps with button debouncing
// check input modification
// if (buttonPressed(ALARM_BUTTON)) {
// displayAlarmTime = true;
// if (alarmMode == ALARM_OFF) {
// digitalWrite(LED_ALARM, LOW);
// digitalWrite(LED_DET, LOW);
// } else {
// digitalWrite(LED_ALARM, HIGH);
// if (alarmMode == ALARM_DET) {
//digitalWrite(LED_DET, HIGH);
// } else {
//digitalWrite(LED_DET, LOW);
// }
// }
// } else {
// displayAlarmTime = false;
// digitalWrite(LED_ALARM, LOW);
// digitalWrite(LED_DET, LOW);
// }
if (buttonPressedNew(HOUR_BUTTON) || buttonHeld(HOUR_BUTTON, 150)) {
if ((!displayAlarmTime) && (!displayCountdown)) {
if (hours == 24) {
hours = 0;
// if (displayAlarmTime) {
// setting the alarm
// alarmHours++;
//if (alarmHours == 24) {
//alarmHours = 0;
// }
// snoozeHours = alarmHours;
//snoozeMinutes = alarmMinutes;
if (displayCountdown) {
if (countdownSeconds < 5940) {
countdownSeconds += 60;
if (buttonPressedNew(MIN_BUTTON) || buttonHeld(MIN_BUTTON, 150)) {
if ((!displayAlarmTime) && (!displayCountdown)) {
if (minutes == 60) {
minutes = 0;
seconds = 0;
// if (displayAlarmTime) {
// // setting the alarm
//if (alarmMinutes == 60) {
//alarmMinutes = 0;
//snoozeHours = alarmHours;
//snoozeMinutes = alarmMinutes;
if (displayCountdown) {
if (countdownSeconds < 5999) {
if (buttonPressedNew(DET_BUTTON)) {
if (displayAlarmTime) {
if (alarmMode > ALARM_DET) {
alarmMode = ALARM_OFF;
if (alarmMode == ALARM_OFF) {
snoozeActivated = false;
if (displayZeros) {
displayZeros = false;
// The DET button has been pressed but not released yet.
displayCountdown = true;
countdownSeconds = COUNTDOWN_DURATION;
if (!buttonPressed(DET_BUTTON)) {
if (displayCountdown) {
//void ringAlarm() {
//::int frequency = 3900;
//it duration = 250; // each beep is .25s
//int us = 1000000 / frequency / 2;
//int toneLoopCount = (duration * ((float)frequency/1000.0));
//int pauseLoopCount = 20000;
//while (alarmRinging) {
//for(int i=0;i//PORTB |= (1 << 3);
//if (buttonPressed(ALARM_BUTTON)) {
//alarmRinging = false;
//snoozeActivated = false;
//PORTB &= ~(1 << 3);
//if (buttonPressed(DET_BUTTON)) {
//alarmRinging = false;
//for(int i=0;i//if (buttonPressed(ALARM_BUTTON)) {
//alarmRinging = false;
//snoozeActivated = false;
//if (buttonPressed(DET_BUTTON)) {
//alarmRinging = false;
// } // while (alarmRinging)
//void snooze() {
// snoozeActivated = true;
//// set the snooze time to current time plus 9 minutes
//snoozeHours = hours;
//snoozeMinutes = minutes + SNOOZE_MINUTES;
//if (snoozeMinutes >= 60) {
//snoozeMinutes -= 60;
//if (snoozeHours == 24) {
//snoozeHours = 0;
// }
void countdown() {
int ledCounter = 0;
int ledCounterThreshold = 100000;
byte ledCurrentState = HIGH;
byte defusePin;
byte detPin;
boolean defused = false;
countdownRunning = true;
int fractionalSecond;
// assign random pins
defusePin = random(WIRE_1, (WIRE_4+1));
detPin = defusePin;
while (detPin == defusePin) {
detPin = random(WIRE_1, (WIRE_4+1));
// Keep track of how far we are into the current
// second so we can correct later.
fractionalSecond = TCNT1 - TIMER1_SECOND_START;
// Reset back to the last second boundary so we can start the countdown
// immediately and so that the first second isn't truncated
beep(3800, 30);
digitalWrite(LED_DET, ledCurrentState);
while ((countdownSeconds > 0) && (!defused)) {
for(int i=0;i<10000;i++) {
// get input
if (digitalRead(detPin) == HIGH) {
countdownSeconds = 0;
if (digitalRead(defusePin) == HIGH) {
defused = true;
if (ledCounter++ > ledCounterThreshold) {
ledCounter = 0;
if (ledCurrentState == HIGH) {
ledCurrentState = LOW;
} else {
ledCurrentState = HIGH;
digitalWrite(LED_DET, ledCurrentState);
digitalWrite(LED_DET, LOW);
countdownRunning = false;
if (!defused) {
} else {
beep(4500, 80);
displayCountdown = false;
// Now to keep the time accurate, add back in the fractional
// second that we took off when we started the countdown sequence.
// Wait until we can add it back to TCNT1 without overflowing.
while (TCNT1 >= (65535 - fractionalSecond));
TCNT1 += fractionalSecond;
void detonate() {
for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { // la boucle à ete augmente
digitalWrite(LED_DET, HIGH);
beep(5000, 50, false);
digitalWrite(LED_DET, LOW);
blank = true;
for(int i=0;i<50;i++) {
digitalWrite(random(LED_PM, LED_DET+1), HIGH);
digitalWrite(random(LED_PM, LED_DET+1), HIGH);
// le declenchement mosfet la sortiepasse à +5v
digitalWrite(ALARM_BUTTON_PIN, HIGH); // modification bouton ALARM_BUTTON_PIN
for(int j=0;j<5;j++) {
beep(random(100, 300), 10);
for(int led=LED_PM;led<=LED_DET;led++) {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
displayCountdown = false;
blank = false;
displayZeros = true;
// declenchement mosfet la sortie passe à 0v
digitalWrite(ALARM_BUTTON_PIN, LOW); // modification bouton ALARM_BUTTON_PIN
// return true if the button is pressed.
boolean buttonPressed(byte button) {
if (digitalRead(buttonPins[button]) == LOW) {
// the button is currently pressed
if (buttonState[button] == HIGH) {
// if the button was not pressed before, update the state.
buttonChange[button] = millis();
buttonState[button] = LOW;
return true;
} else {
// The button is currently not pressed
if (buttonState[button] == LOW) {
// if the button was pressed before, update the state.
buttonChange[button] = millis();
buttonState[button] = HIGH;
return false;
// return true if the button is pressed and it is a new press (not held)
boolean buttonPressedNew(byte button) {
if (digitalRead(buttonPins[button]) == LOW) {
// The button is currently pressed
if (buttonState[button] == HIGH) {
// This is a new press.
buttonChange[button] = millis();
buttonState[button] = LOW;
return true;
// This is not a new press.
return false;
} else {
// The button is currently not pressed
if (buttonState[button] == LOW) {
buttonChange[button] = millis();
buttonState[button] = HIGH;
return false;
// return true if the button is pressed and has been held for at least n milliseconds
boolean buttonHeld(byte button, int n) {
if (digitalRead(buttonPins[button]) == LOW) {
// the button is currently pressed
if (buttonState[button] == HIGH) {
// if the button was not pressed before, update the state and return false.
buttonChange[button] = millis();
buttonState[button] = LOW;
return false;
if ((millis() - buttonChange[button]) >= n) {
// the button has been pressed for over n milliseconds.
// update the state change time even though the state hasn't changed.
// we update the state change time so we can start the counting over
buttonChange[button] = millis();
return true;
// The button is being held, but has not been held for longer than n milliseconds.
return false;
} else {
// The button is currently not pressed
if (buttonState[button] == LOW) {
// if the button was pressed before, update the state.
buttonChange[button] = millis();
buttonState[button] = HIGH;
return false;
void beep(int frequency, int duration) {
beep(frequency, duration, true);
void beep(int frequency, int duration, boolean disableDisplayInterrupt) {
int us = 1000000 / frequency / 2;
int loopCount = (duration * ((float)frequency/1000.0));
if (disableDisplayInterrupt) {
TIMSK2 &= ~(1 << TOIE2);
for(int i=0;iPORTB |= (1 << 3);
PORTB &= ~(1 << 3);
TIMSK2 |= (1 << TOIE2);
// This is the display interrupt to implement multiplexing of the digits.
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
byte nDigits = 4;
byte data;
byte digitValue;
byte displayHours, displayMinutes;
TCNT2 = 0;
displayHours = hours;
displayMinutes = minutes;
if (displayAlarmTime) {
displayHours = alarmHours;
displayMinutes = alarmMinutes;
if (displayCountdown) {
displayHours = countdownSeconds / 60;
displayMinutes = countdownSeconds % 60;
if (displayZeros) {
displayHours = 0;
displayMinutes = 0;
if ((displayHours < 10) && (!displayZeros) && (!displayCountdown)) {
nDigits = 3;
if (++currentDigit > (nDigits-1)) {
currentDigit = 0;
switch (currentDigit) {
case 0:
digitValue = displayMinutes % 10;
case 1:
digitValue = displayMinutes / 10;
case 2:
digitValue = displayHours % 10;
case 3:
digitValue = displayHours / 10;
// Upper 4 bits of data are the value for the current digit.
// They are loaded into shift register outputs QA-QD
data = (digitValue << 4);
// Lower 4 bits 3-0 represent which digit to turn on.
// 3 is most significant digit, 0 is least
// They are loaded into shift register outputs QE-QH
// Digit transistors are active low, so set them all high
data |= 0x0F;
if (!blank) {
// now turn off the bit for digit we want illuminated.
data &= ~(1 << currentDigit);
digitalWrite(LATCH, LOW);
shiftOut(DATA, CLOCK, LSBFIRST, data);
digitalWrite(LATCH, HIGH);
// Timer 1 interrupt. This executes every second.
ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) {
ticked = true;
if (seconds == 60) {
seconds = 0;
if (minutes == 60) {
minutes = 0;
if (hours == 24) {
hours = 0;
if ((!countdownRunning) && (alarmMode != ALARM_OFF)) {
if ((alarmHours == hours) && (alarmMinutes == minutes) && (seconds == 0)) {
alarmRinging = true;
if ((snoozeActivated) && (snoozeHours == hours) && (snoozeMinutes == minutes) && (seconds == 0)) {
alarmRinging = true;
if ((countdownRunning) && (countdownSeconds > 0)) {
beep(3800, 30);
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