I would like to simply play a pure tone, without recording anything.
So the idea would be to:
1) have a vector storing the waveform for a given sound frequency (e.g. 5 kHz) and sampling rate (44100 Hz);
2) have a loop in which a value from that vector is sequentially written using writeDAC
I haven’t implemented step 1 yet, however I fail with step 2.
With help from this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pAYJHW3Js8 , I connected the output of Audio Hacker to A5 and ran the following code, but it does not work.
Only one value is printed on the serial monitor. If I remove the second for loop and just keep delayMicroseconds, values are constantly and rapidly printed but they do not seem to change according to the i-for-loop, they only fluctuate +-1 and change substantially as I change the volume.
Any help would be very appreciated!
#include <AudioHacker.h>
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // connect to the serial port
ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) {
for (int i = 0; i = 4095; i++){
int val = analogRead(A5);
// Wait 100 ms:
for (int j = 0; j = 100; j++){