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MemberFantastic … I’m glad you found this. I had assumed the issue was somewhere in the TVout code and I searched and searched but couldn’t find it! I have been overlaying the time (with vsync time to the nearest millisecond) and struggling to get consistent timing. I ended up fudging it myself by having my own frame and line counting within the hbi function and relying on the intrinsic accuracy of the camera crystal. This should simplify it all enormously!
MemberI think you’ll find tinyGPS just takes a character from the gps and interprets it. You need to get the character from the GPS via serial interface. The problem with the traditional serial communications is the interrupts, and because they’ve been taken over to handle the video timing to need to do it without interupts. You’re going to have to ditch newsoftserial and use the hardware uart on pins 0 & 1.
The way to do it is to use polling. There’s already a project using this method on the Nootropic website that should get you on your way at:
I need to take it a step further and get some other stuff done during the horizontal blanking period. I guess this means I will have to strip the bare minimum code out of Pollserial.begin. I can live a single baud rate and single chip/speed variant. Some hints as to the minimum I need to read the hardware serial and put it in a buffer would be appreciated from anyone who understands this sort of thing!
MemberIf a semi transparent background (just dimmed) would be OK, then I can’t see why you couldn’t simply connect the output pin (Pin 10 in the example)to video via a resistor (say 100ohm).