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I had a Chipkit Max32 for a while and never used it since the programming was a bit different from arduino… but, to continue with my obsession… I finally was able to implement the overlay capabilities with it…
Max32 first overlay experiment…
this was an 520×272 pixel test…. complete success!!
second overlay experiment!!using an incredible 896×272 pixels!!!!!
the nicest thing i discovered about the pic32 processor is that one can access the full mcu speed!! i.e. 80MHz!!! different case is the arduino Due which can develop a signal only at mcu/2… i.e. 42MHz…
Other interesting feature I found is that the PIC32 doesn’t have one analog comparator…. it has two on board and fully available!!! so… this weekend I’ll be testing with TV capture !!!
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
ParticipantHi everyone!!!
Did it!!!
it looks like I’m a bit obssesed with the TV signal and the overlaying capabilities of the Video experimenter concept….
Now on a LPC1768!!!
and I’m pretty sure that with the Arduino DUE it should be possible to overlay color NTSC/PAL signal….
the video was taken with my iphone and the resolution of the overlayed image is 680×480 pixels…!!!😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
ParticipantYou are absolutely right about the special features needed!!!, but for the overlaying capabilities, I think a lot of people would love to be able to draw and write stuff with a lot more resolution!!
August 18, 2014 at 5:04 am in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #2001pistolero992000
ParticipantCleaner version and better screen management…
Surprisingly, at a PAL resolution of 192×208!!!
August 18, 2014 at 12:12 am in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #2000pistolero992000
Participant@Michael wrote:
Absolute success! Very cool for such low end hardware. Great job!
Thank you very much!!!
The next step…. Arduino Due… 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮
August 17, 2014 at 10:57 pm in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #1998pistolero992000
don’t ask that much about FPS…. Arduino MEGA R3 does what it can hahahahahaha!!!!
but I declare it a success!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
August 17, 2014 at 9:47 pm in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #1997pistolero992000
I succesfully tested:
– Arduino Mega R3
– Video Overlay–> PAL 160×100
– IMU MPU-6050
– Serial GPS to Serial1One word—> FPS are somewhat … mmmm … awful…. ;D ;D ;D
I added TMZ (Zulu Time) under DTZ… so video is not up to date but it shows how the result would be….
again…. FPS… 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
August 17, 2014 at 2:43 pm in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #1994pistolero992000
ParticipantIf you JUST want to take advantage of the overlaying capabilities of the VE Shield, the arduino mega r3 should work with the corresponding changes in the TVOutVE library and the correct wiring…. Same as the seeeduino but considering pin 48 (ICP5) as the input capture pin.
Another thing I’ve realized is that the interrupt pins are not the same as seeeduino… See to select the correct pin to do the display.scanline=0;
August 17, 2014 at 2:27 pm in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #1993pistolero992000
ParticipantOne question,
Is there a way of making the lines and text more brilliant white?
I mean, if I see the line over a video with different colours, the line is white but with the background color ghost…. It’s like if the white line is semi-transparent…
I know there’s a difference between color and bw composite video… Does that have to do with this issue?
August 17, 2014 at 2:21 pm in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #1992pistolero992000
Seeeduino mega r3: successfully tested at
– PAL 192×144 and up to 240×180 with good FPS
– NTSC 184×115 up to 240×150 with good FPS.Arduino Mega R3: successfully tested using timer5, ICP5 (Board pin 48) at:
– PAL 160×120 up to 240×180 but the higher the resolution the more horizontal flickering although FPS are excellent.
– NTSC 160×100 (best) up to 240×150 with same considerations of PAL.The only strange thing, is that at higher resolutions, the vertical size of the overlayed video is a bit more that half the size of the screen size.
The highest resolution I’ve tested successfully with seeeduino is 248×186 with very good FPS but almost half the vertical screen size.Here’s the video of the bigger screen tested with seeeduino at 192×144 pixels:
August 17, 2014 at 12:35 am in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #1985pistolero992000
Using seeeduino mega R3
August 16, 2014 at 3:04 pm in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #1987pistolero992000
ParticipantHi Michael,
One thing I’ve noticed with the oscilloscope is that out of the vsync pin of the LM1881 there is nothing… Could that be the issue?
If I unplug the wire from the seeeduino mega pin 18 – INT3 (implementation for SDA/SCL availability from Seeeduino Mega explanation) there is absolutely no change in the screen….
watch this video…
Maybe the LM1881N I’m using is broken…. ???
Another thing I’ve noticed is that from LM1881N SYNCOUT PIN, I can read exactly the 64uS VSYNC… wierd???
[attachment=1:adnpjpq6]LM1881N SYNCOUT PIN.jpg[/attachment:adnpjpq6]
[attachment=0:adnpjpq6]LM1881N VSYNCOUT PIN.jpg[/attachment:adnpjpq6]
I actually don’t know what to do, since I’ve bought the seeeduino mega 3.0, followed the wiring instructions and only to achieve the same results as with the arduino mega 2560 R3.
Have you faced this problem before?
July 30, 2014 at 3:10 pm in reply to: Overlay-> Seeeduino done! ->Arduino MEGA done->Serial GPS #1965pistolero992000
Participant@Michael wrote:
Keep trying — looks like you are very close!
As most of the things I’ve changed I dont’t really understand them, can you explain to me how the video is rendered? because one thing I noticed is that changing the resolution of the arduino generated video causes a lot of timing issues and distortion.
I successfully tried a NTSC 248×155 and a PAL 248×186 resolution, but in a stand-alone way.
When trying that resolution with the LM1881 and the overlay code, I have a lot of Horizontal distorsion, much more than the vertical distortion (which is minimum, not to say zero distortion)…
152×114 pixel was the best overlaying resolution but again, I’m sure it’s just a matter of timing.
The assembler code used in videogen.cpp I definetely don’t understand and I’m pretty sure that in that piece of the code I will solve those issues.
Can you please help me figuring out that?
thanks a lot!!
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by