Difficulty Level = 3 [What’s this?] In addition to overlaying text and graphics onto a video signal, the Video Experimenter shield can also be used to capture image data from a video source and store it in the Arduino’s SRAM memory. The image data can be...
Difficulty Level = 3 [What’s this?] The Video Experimenter shield gives you new ways to interact with your TV. How many times did you wish you could blast someone or something on your TV screen? Now you can! This project lets you control a laser sight using a...
Difficulty Level = 2 [What’s this?] The Video Experimenter shield makes it easy to overlay text and graphics onto any composite video signal. Any source of composite video should work — video camera, VCR, DVD player, DVR, cable box, etc. Video Experimenter...
Difficulty Level = 1 [What’s this?] The Digit Shield makes it trivial to add a numeric display to your project. I’ve used my simple LM34 temperature sensor in many projects, but this is the simplest. Here’s the LM34 sensor connected to analog input...
Difficulty Level = 1 [What’s this?] How fast can you press a button once a timer starts counting? Find out by attaching a button to your Arduino and the Digit Shield. A simple tactile button switch is connected to digital pin 8 and ground. Press the button once...
Difficulty Level = 5 [What’s this?] UPDATE: Also see this project for an easy way to display a temperature reading: Digit Shield Temperature Display. A while back, I did a wireless temperature sensor project using XBee radios. XBee radios are really powerful...