I came across this thread in the arduino forums. Is there a chance it’s code could be reused to generate color video overlays? I know the circuit would need some modifications but that is no problem
To get color, people have to replace the 16MHz crystal on the Arduino with a 14.31818MHz crystal. This is hte frequency of the color burst portion of a composite signal.
I’m not sure color is possible without doing that.
That makes sense, I have a few breadboard Arduinos where I could replace the crystal.
By any chance is there a way to get black output? I recall seeing a thread where a MOSFET was used to sink current to adjust the black level but can’t seem to find it. It would make reading text against bright surfaces much easier!
Here is a discussion about using a MOSFET or 4066 analog switch. I used a 4066 analog switch to turn off the video signal for lines in a certain range.
It has been a while! I ordered the parts last year but never got around to trying it. I found this youtube video that has the tvout with color code, I was able to get it to compile but do not have any 14.3MHz crystals on hand.
I am ok with modifying my Arduino’s crystal, do you think that code and the TVOUT-VE code can be merged/branched?
The TVout-VE code is on GitHub, so feel free to fork the repo and apply the changes if you think it can be done. I assume the TVout code to do color has many modifications. I’m just buried in other projects and not doing any video stuff now. (Video Experimenter is from 2010)
I took a gander at the code and at first glance they appear to be totally different. I will probably have better luck comparing the normal TVout to TVout-VE to find the differences then apply that to the TVout-color code. I am not too familiar with AVR assembly though