Leonardo Compatibility?

Store Forums Digit Shield General Discussion Leonardo Compatibility?

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  • #412

    I’m getting a compile error just trying to load the example programs:

    ...arduino-1.0.1librariesDigitShieldDigitShield.cpp: In member function 'void DigitShieldClass::begin()':
    ...arduino-1.0.1librariesDigitShieldDigitShield.cpp:68: error: 'ASSR' was not declared in this scope
    ...arduino-1.0.1librariesDigitShieldDigitShield.cpp:68: error: 'AS2' was not declared in this scope

    What am I missing? I’m hoping it’s something simple, and just my lack of Arduino knowledge. Did some searching, and didn’t come up with anything.


    The Leonardo is a completely different processor, so most code libraries for Arduino are simply not going to work on it. When people say “compatible” they really just mean you can do the simple things like “digitalWrite” and they will work. But low level libraries that manipulate timers and any other AVR registers won’t work.

    I will need to write a special version of the Digit Shield library for Leonardo — first I need to get a Leonardo.

    I will update the documentation making it clear that this library doesn’t work with Leonardo yet.

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