Poofy Adventure Game

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  • #463

    Hi all!

    Here is a game in progress that I have (still lots to iron out), however I thought I would post it to get some feedback.
    It is the first time I have tried to make a side-scrolling platformer (I have to fake the side scrolling part…you will see if you play it). It is something I have wanted to try for a long time.

    Fair warning though: It is still pretty buggy 😉 I haven’t added multiple “levels” yet, so when you get to about the 8th screen, it will crash. Also, if Poofy dies, you are probably going to have to reset the game for now.

    What I am trying to figure out:
    – Should the main character (Poofy) be able to jump longer (higher?)
    – Does the collision detection seem too blocky (using bounding box for now)?
    – Does walking/running seem too fast/slow?
    – Is the reaction time for things good, or need adjusting?

    I think if I can fix the playability issues the rest of the game should come together quickly.



    I forgot to mention that I had to change some of the code for the Controllers library to get the code to compile in the 1.0 version of the Arduino IDE.

    Michael may have already posted an updated version of the Hackvision code, however I didn’t have it, so I just modded what was there to get it to work.



    I will have my testing team try this game out this weekend. My testing team is my kids. ;D


    Right on! I guess I should put my “testing team” (my kids) on it as well 😉


    My “testing team” has taken a look at this and they like it. I think it’s cool. It seems like Poofy can jump pretty high, but maybe he could jump a little farther horizontally. I think your collision detection is fine — bounding box is simple.
    Game play seems good — great game! You are pushing the limits of what can be done on such a small MCU.


    Great! Glad they like it.
    I will see what adjustment can be made on the horizontal jump.

    I am putting together the game and will post it when I have it completed.



    Hi again!

    …So, I think I have the game in about as finished of a state as I can for now. I think I have the movement/jumping working a little better now, and added the music/sfx so it seems more complete.

    If you find any heinous bugs and could let me know it would be appreciated. I could add more to it, however I have a few other projects I would like to finish up, and I am pretty happy with how this one has turned out.

    , if you try it and you think it is in good enough working order feel free to post it.



    I have FINALLY gotten around to making a video and posting this game on the games page. Sorry for the delay.



    I know that this thread seems death, but I think you should add the abelicity to get points when hitting the snake.
    I tried to get it done by my own, but it didn’t worked.


    Old thread but we’ve just discovered your game. Never too late to give kudos for a job well done.

    My “testing team” is 8 and 10 yr boys.

    Congrats to Trodoss, you’ve nailed the playability & difficulty. First they were struggling to get past the first snake, now they’re trying to get to the end.

    Great game.

    BTW, my 8-year old doesn’t want to play Elventure… its too scary 😉 ! Goes to show 3d gimmicks isn’t always needed for a game to have an atmosphere.

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