Hi all, probably most specifically Michael. I’m trying to implement midi in a build of Kreiff’s cosmic loop design which uses the audio hacker as the basis for a Lofi sampler and I wondered something.
I’ve got a midi circuit which is basically a really simple midi in using Notes and Volts diagram which uses a 6n138 a tiny amount of misc stuff and runs to the RX pin. However.
Basically Kreiff’s design uses the remaining unassigned digital pins (0-5), specifically the RX pin as both a digital pin for hardware (specifically a button) and more traditionally as serial debug.
As midi would want to talk via serial and would need to be wired to RX I figured – “hey, there’s another RX pin if I used software serial” but obviously the audio hacker shield is quite intensively wired through the other digital pins so I can’t make use of software serial as it is.
After doing some head scratching and seeing your easy expander I wondered if using a 74HC595 shift register would allow me to move the digital pins 7-13 to new pins allowing me to take control of software serial on say pin 8?
I’m not at all well versed with coding, I’m much more of a hardware man so any help and I would be eternally greatful!
Thanks in advance!