Sound problem

Store Forums Defusable Clock Bugs/Problems Sound problem

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  • #8377


    I have a problem with the sound on defusable clock.
    When power comes on it gives a beep..
    However when i start the timer no beeping and no explosion sound when timer runs out..
    Otherwise everything works perfect, this is the second one I built first one works like a charm..

    Anyone have idea what’s the problem ?


    Hmm, it should not beep when power is supplied. One of the buzzer connections is connected to ground, and the other is to a microcontroller pin. I have a feeling that the one connected to the microcontroller pin is actually shorted to the 5V power plane. Try reflowing the buzzer connections, possibly removing a little solder. That may work.


    Could the problem be anywhere else on the board?

    If i connect wire directly to the pin on the microcontroller and one on ground i still get same problem..


    I just remembered that there is a “silent mode” on the defusable clock. If you hold the DET button when powering it on, that activates silent mode. It beeps once at powerup then does not make noise. Are you holding the DET button at power-up? Is your DET button stuck or something?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Michael.

    Ah great!! thanks.!

    I wired the det button to another button which has no / nc connections and i connected the wires to the nc connection instead of no….

    Works fine now.!

    I’m a starting prop builder from the Netherlands and i may have some more questions later if you don’t mind.?

    First one i made for myself and the airsoft team I play with it also has a domination part in the case.. Someone from another team liked it so much he asked me to do a build for him,so I’m making a custom build for him..
    It has usb stick activation , button press dismantling , all control buttons on a panel instead of the pcb and amped sound.. This build also gets the domination part with blue and red counter where a button needs to be pressed to start de counting… This all build in to a nice hardcase.

    If you like i can send short clip off the progress so far…

    Also I’m looking to disable the clock function so when it switches on it displays countdown time, maybe you could give me a push in the right direction?

    I would really appreciate it and i will be using your products in future builds where i would like to add more options..

    Thanks again for the help end my best regards.!


    Sounds like you know what you are doing!
    I can send you code that has the clock disabled, but I generally charge a fee for custom coding (there’s an item in the online store) because I get hundreds of requests for customizations. I’ll email you the basic code you can modify and if you need more help you can always purchase the (cheap) custom coding option. I only charge $30.

    I’d love to see your work when it is done. I’d put it in the gallery:

    Also, the Defusable Clock was used in a TV commercial in the Netherlands. I don’t speak Dutch, but it is easy enough to know what they are saying — very funny!


    Haha I’m just experimenting… More of a hobbyist..

    Yes that commercial is very funny
    Airsoft is becoming very big here now in the netherlands so i would like to gett more experienced in the prop building its lots of fun!
    I already downloaded your program and studied it.. And trying to learn the basics for arduino programming becouse i would like to integrate the domination part in the controller also.. Would it be possible to upload your program to a arduino mega 2560 you think? So i have more pins to program and control?

    I’m waiting for a few parts to finish the project i’m working on.
    When this build is finished i will send some pictures and upload a clip on youtube..

    Thanks again for the help .. If I can’t work it out with the programming I will buy programming time from you…

    Greet michel

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