Starfield code

Store Forums Hackvision Game Development Starfield code

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    Hey fellow hackvisioners, sooo Im stuck waiting few more days for my FTDI breakout board to actually program my hackvision. However, this hasnt stopped me from writing some small demos/screensavers. So here is a starfield, it compiles fine in the arduino IDE so if anybody with a programmer can stick this on their chip and give it a run? Once i can program my own I’ll be popping outa few games for fun ;]

    **edit** working code in following post


    OK finally got my $2 breakout board from China, debugged my horrible code and got the starfield working. I had a few oversights coming from platforms that had better hardware, such as bytes being unsigned, string literals being costly and structures add up when you have a lot of them. I tuned the constants just below artifacts began appearing. I suppose lowering the resolution would allow more stars onscreen but for now 16 still creates the effect.

    In anycase, here is the working final code, its your typical Starfield/hyperspace view thing with stars wizzing by in pseudo-3D. you can adjust the Speed with up/down on the on-board controller.

    /** Starfield for Hackvision
    By Cord Rehn 2012 **/


    #define TV_W 136
    #define TV_H 98

    TVout tv;

    #define NUM_STARS 16
    #define Z_MAX 6.f

    byte SPEED;
    char speed_string[11], s[4];

    prog_char s0[] PROGMEM = "SPEED ";

    PROGMEM const char *strings[] = {s0};

    struct Star {
    int x, y;
    byte old_x, old_y;
    float z;
    } Starfield[NUM_STARS];

    void initStar(int index) {
    Starfield[index].x = random(TV_W*2) - TV_W;
    Starfield[index].y = random(TV_H*2) - TV_H;
    Starfield[index].old_x = Starfield[index].old_y = 255;
    Starfield[index].z = Z_MAX;

    void setSpeed(byte speed) {
    tv.tone(speed < SPEED ? 800 : 1046, 20);

    SPEED = speed;
    speed_string[0] = s[0] = '';
    strcpy_P(speed_string, (char *)pgm_read_word(&(strings[0])));
    snprintf(s, 4, "%d ", SPEED); // 2 spaces are important, clears the 2nd and 3rd digit spots for a 1 digit speed when printed
    strncat(speed_string, s, 11);

    void setup() {
    // If pin 12 is pulled LOW, then the PAL jumper is shorted.
    pinMode(12, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(12, HIGH);

    if (digitalRead(12) == LOW)
    tv.begin(_PAL, TV_W, TV_H);
    tv.begin(_NTSC, TV_W, TV_H);



    // init star field
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STARS; ++i) {
    Starfield.z = random(Z_MAX+1);


    void loop() {
    // input
    if (Controller.upPressed() && SPEED != 255)
    setSpeed(SPEED + 1);
    else if (Controller.downPressed() && SPEED != 0)
    setSpeed(SPEED - 1);

    // draw
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STARS; ++i) {
    if (Starfield
    .old_x != 255)
    .old_x, Starfield.old_y, 0);

    .z -= (float)SPEED/1000.f;
    if (Starfield
    .z < (float)SPEED/1000.f)

    byte x = TV_W / 2 + Starfield
    .x / Starfield.z,
    y = TV_H / 2 + Starfield
    .y / Starfield.z;
    if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= TV_W || y >= TV_H)
    else {
    tv.set_pixel(x, y, 1);
    .old_x = x;
    .old_y = y;

    tv.print(0, 0, speed_string);

    Very nice! This looks great, and could be the basis for a new game. I have created a zip file for easy download and installation into the Arduino sketchbook folder. Thanks for this contribution!

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