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KeymasterWhen using the Video Experimenter, you have to enable overlay capability with some special code. This is demonstrated in all the example projects like: the overlay example
Try this code for your sketch. Note the initOverlay() function and the ISR(INT0_vect) function. They are required.
#include "TVout.h" #include "fontALL.h" TVout TV; void setup() { TV.begin(NTSC,90,40); initOverlay(); TV.select_font(font6x8); } // Initialize ATMega registers for video overlay capability. // Must be called after tv.begin(). void initOverlay() { TCCR1A = 0; // Enable timer1. ICES0 is set to 0 for falling edge detection on input capture pin. TCCR1B = _BV(CS10); // Enable input capture interrupt TIMSK1 |= _BV(ICIE1); // Enable external interrupt INT0 on pin 2 with falling edge. EIMSK = _BV(INT0); EICRA = _BV(ISC01); } // Required to reset the scan line when the vertical sync occurs ISR(INT0_vect) { display.scanLine = 0; } void loop() { TV.set_cursor(0,6); TV.print("XXXXX"); delay(60); }
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
KeymasterCan you post your code so I can see if something is missing? You can replace your callsign with XXXXXX if you want.
KeymasterThe echo example only uses one of the chips for simplicity. That is why the delay is only 4 seconds. If you want it to use both chips, you’d have to modify the code, but the logic becomes more complex to use both chips.
KeymasterI don’t understand your request. The Eagle files are complete. The files are the same files that the board was manufactured from. To fill in the power planes, click the “ratsnest” button in Eagle.
KeymasterC2 is connected to VCC and GND. That is shown in the schematic. The board has power planes, and C2 connects to the planes, so there are no traces.
KeymasterPhotoflash, I have tried your code above and it works fine for me. A small value for echoDelay gives a small delay, and a large value gives a longer delay. I do not know why this would not work for you. Are you sure you are making the code change then uploading the change successfully to the device?
With the variable echoDelay declared as unsigned int, the max value is 65535. But for longer delays change the declaration of echoDelay to an unsigned long:
unsigned long echoDelay;
Then you can use a maximum delay value of 131067 which gives a day of about 4 seconds.
KeymasterHmm. This is strange. I don’t see anything wrong with this code. Did you ever use this echo example with a potentiometer? Did it ever work?
I’m not home right now (on a business trip), but will try this code when I get back to my lab.Michael
KeymasterSo, changing echoDelay to different values has no effect at all? How long is the delay when you use a value of 24000? What do you hear? What happens when you change it to 9000? It must be divisible by 3.
KeymasterThat should be the only variable you change, replacing the analogRead(0) line. Please post your whole code surrounded by the code tags so it is formatted.
KeymasterYes, you could probably build a similar device using that board. You would need to customize the code to work with that hardware. I don’t know how to control the display. I doubt you would get any good documentation for that shield. The eBay listing is broken English.
KeymasterYes, by all means give it a try! In designing a product, it is important to keep the hardware as simple and cheap as possible. That is why I did not include an amplifier. The sensitivity control should allow you to turn up the sensitivity high enough for line-level input.
KeymasterThat is a good idea, and I have considered it. The problem is that the Lumazoid is 100% busy sampling the audio and then running the analysis and updating the display. I think that if you added the code to read the IR sensor, it would disrupt all of that. I have experience using IR sensor + remote on other projects, and the code requires precise timing and interrupts to determine the incoming IR code. I don’t think you could do that without disrupting the Lumazoid’s smooth function. Make sense?
Definitely a good idea, though.Michael
KeymasterI don’t think the Video Experimenter can help in that situation. The VE simply passes the video through. There is not a programatic way to turn the video feed on and off. I think you’d want the strobe to trigger the video feed.
One idea is to use a 4066 analog switch chip to turn the video feed on and off based on an input from the strobe. Google 4066 analog switch. It is an easy chip to use.
KeymasterThe Video Experimenter works with any composite video signal. As long as you can provide a composite input, it should work.
Yes, it works with PAL if you change the code:
tv.begin(NTSC, W, H);
tv.begin(PAL, W, H);
HD is fine.
I’m not sure how you will interface a phone to your Arduino…Michael
KeymasterHi Charles,
I think you are referring to this post: original poster wanted to use buttons to control the delay amount instead of a pot, so that’s why he introduced the delayValue variable.
To control the delay amount, change echoDelay and make sure it is a multiple of 3. You may choose to control echoDelay with a pot on A0. The original code is:
echoDelay = analogRead(0) * 30;
and that means that echoDelay will have a value from 0-30690.
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by