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  • in reply to: Digit display problems #1599

    It sounds like you may have some shorts on your board. Make sure none of your solder connections have formed bridges with adjacent pins. Can you take a high quality picture (not blurry phone picture) of the back of the board and either post it here or email it to support@nootropicdesign.com? I can have a look.

    in reply to: Gallery Pictures? #1598

    We’d love it if you send pictures for the gallery! It always makes my day.
    Just email michael [at] nootropicdesign.com with some pictures or a link and I’ll post them. Make sure to let me know where you are located (city, state, etc.) and your first name. We don’t use last names in the gallery ;D

    in reply to: Defective Voltage Regulator? #1596

    Either the cap is installed backwards or there is a short between GND and the 5V output of the voltage regulator. It’s highly unlikely that the voltage regulator is defective, but somewhat likely that there is a soldering short somewhere.

    Does the voltage regulator get hot?

    With no power applied is there a short between the ground (middle) and 5V (right) pins on the voltage regulator?

    in reply to: Coding creating display issues. #1587

    Sure, just use the overlay initialization like in the VE project. Call [tt:210msd7d]initOverlay()[/tt:210msd7d] in the [tt:210msd7d]setup()[/tt:210msd7d] function. The code below needs to be in your sketch.

    // Initialize ATMega registers for video overlay capability.
    // Must be called after tv.begin().
    void initOverlay() {
    TCCR1A = 0;
    // Enable timer1. ICES0 is set to 0 for falling edge detection on input capture pin.
    TCCR1B = _BV(CS10);

    // Enable input capture interrupt
    TIMSK1 |= _BV(ICIE1);

    // Enable external interrupt INT0 on pin 2 with falling edge.
    EIMSK = _BV(INT0);
    EICRA = _BV(ISC11);

    // Required to reset the scan line when the vertical sync occurs
    ISR(INT0_vect) {
    display.scanLine = 0;
    in reply to: Very light video overlay #1585

    ricki, thanks very much for sharing your fix. It seems that some video sources provide a voltage that is too high relative to the signal voltage generated by the Video Experimenter. The solution is to reduce the resistance of the 330 ohm resistor on the board. For those that have a Video Experimenter, you could add another 330 ohm resistor in parallel to the existing one (just solder the leads together). This effectively halves the resistance to 165 ohms which will allow a higher overlay voltage to be given to the TV. Thanks again, ricki.

    in reply to: Video manipulation – mirror specifically, possible? #1584

    No, I’m afraid the Video Experimenter is far too simple for that task. The VE is simply a sync separator chip. It can tell the Arduino when a new line starts, and when a new frame starts, but that is all. It has no ability to process the video signal.

    in reply to: Different LED Matrix #1592

    I’m sorry, but the RGB Matrix Backpack is specifically designed ONLY for the Adafruit panel:
    Different panels may have the same size connector, but that doesn’t mean they are compatible.

    in reply to: Coding creating display issues. #1591

    Awesome, glad you’re up and running!

    [sorry for the slow response on the moderation…]

    in reply to: My video shields have troubles #1589

    What code are you running?
    What is your SYNC SELECT jumper set to?
    What is your OUTPUT SELECT switch set to?

    Try using the demo code to do simple overlay: http://nootropicdesign.com/projectlab/2011/03/20/text-and-graphics-overlay/
    Set the SYNC SELECT jumper to V. INPUT
    Set the OUTPUT SELECT switch to OVERLAY

    …then tell us what the results are. This should work. It’s doubtful that two shields failed at the same time, right?

    in reply to: Coding creating display issues. #1588

    If the Text and Graphics overlay sketch works, then there is nothing wrong with the hardware. To use a normal TVout sketch (like Demo NTSC) you are using the Arduino as a source for the sync, not the input as a source of the sync. So set the jumper to D9 (the pin that produces the sync) and set the switch to SYNC ONLY. There’s a table on the documentation page that describes this:

    in reply to: Android as video source #1583

    Well, I really don’t know what hardware would allow you to use an Android phone’s camera to generate a composite signal. At that point, you would want to just use a normal camera module, and forget the phone.

    in reply to: Other than numeric character display #1581

    I wish you could display anything, but it is limited to what the 74LS247 chip can do. There are a few non-numeric characters. See this datasheet for info about it: http://www.datasheetcatalog.org/datasheets/134/375534_DS.pdf

    in reply to: External interrupts #1580

    Praterma2 , I’m glad that this was helpful.

    in reply to: Trimmer Potentiometer Values #1577

    Sorry for the slow reply. The other is 10K. See the parts list:

    in reply to: Unused Pins on the RGB Matrix Backback? #1575

    One of the terminal block connections is ground (labeled GND), and the big fat connection directly underneath the power jack is also ground. All the grounds are connected, so you can choose any of them.

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