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  • in reply to: Kit #8994

    Sander, I’m glad you like to build things — me too. However, this product will only be available fully assembled. Nearly all the electronics are surface mount, and I solder on just a couple parts by hand. Nearly all customers for the Defusable Clock were ordering them assembled. Most people don’t want to solder. And I certainly don’t want to solder for everyone, so I’ve minimized what needed hand soldering.

    I’ll tell you what, though, if you order one and want to solder on the display, terminals, power connector and speaker, just say the word and I’ll let you do it. That’s just fine by me!

    Cheers, and thanks for asking this question.

    in reply to: Keypad progress and general question #8981

    The new Game Timer Pro with keypad add-on package is available! Finally! I know a lot of people want a timer with a keypad.

    in reply to: Lomazoid Podi #8957

    Each pot is 10K ohm.

    in reply to: Unused Pins on the RGB Matrix Backback? #8953

    The backpack doesn’t have a 3.3V line. An Arduino has one because the FTDI USB adapter chip provides a 3.3V line.

    in reply to: Unused Pins on the RGB Matrix Backback? #8950

    Pin 10 is not available as it is also used to control the matrix. Pins 12 and 13 are available and analog pins 4 and 5.

    in reply to: Horizontal scrolling of overlay? #8945

    Have you tried the example projects for the Video Experimenter? They have the special code in them that makes them work with the Video Experimenter. The examples that come with TVout do not.

    Try this one:

    in reply to: Display binary #8910

    If you want to print binary instead of the character itself, just change:



    pserial.print(c[0], BIN);

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Michael. Reason: formatting
    in reply to: Video resolution #8909

    It can capture a monochrome 128×96 bitmap of the incoming signal. The original signal is not modified, but a low-res capture can be overlaid onto the signal.
    See project: http://nootropicdesign.com/projectlab/2011/03/20/video-frame-capture/

    in reply to: 2 video signals? #8902

    No, the Video Experimenter can’t be adapted for this. It is a very simple device that simply detects the sync in the signal and uses that to correctly time the overlay. It has no real knowledge of the video content itself. It cannot overlay 2 video signals. You will need more sophisticated video equipment for that.

    in reply to: Weird power issue; Video pads IO question #8883

    Yeah, you definitely need to connect the ground signals from both input and output.

    in reply to: Weird power issue; Video pads IO question #8870

    Regarding the power, I have not experienced that, but I always use a 9V source. I can’t explain why a 5V source would cause any erratic behavior, although I will say that doing video with an Arduino is plenty haskish to begin with.

    Which pads exactly are you using? The pad marked INPUT and a ground pad should work fine for connecting the input directly. Those are the same signals as the RCA input jack. And OUTPUT is the same as the output jack. Remember to connect the ground (outside connector) of both input and output to a GND connection on the board. Am I understanding your question?

    in reply to: Working with a GoPro camera #8856

    Yes, you can solder it directly. There is no need to convert to RCA connector.

    in reply to: 2-line serial overlay #8851

    If you are getting each character on it’s own row, then you must be sending a carriage return or line feed at the end of each transmission. How are you sending the serial data? I have a terminal emulator connected to my Arduino, and by setting the cursor position in setup(), I print the characters at the bottom of the screen and they scroll up. So I type a full string TEST in the terminal then press return, and TEST is printed at the bottom of the screen. Here is the code, which is the same as yours but sets the cursor in setup(). Are you sure you didn’t accidentally change the loop tv.print to tv.println?

    #include <TVout.h>
    #include <fontALL.h>
    #include <pollserial.h>
    #define W 136
    #define H 96
    TVout tv;
    pollserial pserial;
    void setup()  {
      tv.begin(NTSC, W, H);
      tv.set_cursor(0, 88);
    // Initialize ATMega registers for video overlay capability.
    // Must be called after tv.begin().
    void initOverlay() {
      TCCR1A = 0;
      // Enable timer1.  ICES0 is set to 0 for falling edge detection on input capture pin.
      TCCR1B = _BV(CS10);
      // Enable input capture interrupt
      TIMSK1 |= _BV(ICIE1);
      // Enable external interrupt INT0 on pin 2 with falling edge.
      EIMSK = _BV(INT0);
      EICRA = _BV(ISC01);
    // Required to reset the scan line when the vertical sync occurs
    ISR(INT0_vect) {
      display.scanLine = 0;
    void loop() {
      if (pserial.available()) {
    in reply to: 2-line serial overlay #8846

    TVout has many ways to print. I think you want to set the cursor position first, then use println to print entire lines.


    in reply to: Working with a GoPro camera #8838

    The Video Experimenter can overlay on HD but only a composite signal. Can the GoPro output composite?

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