Arduino shield for realtime audio processing
The code for all of these projects is included in the Audio Hacker library as examples.
12-bit and 8-bit Audio Sampler
Record audio signals into the Audio Hacker memory. This project demonstrates both 12-bit and 8-bit sampling. You can also play back samples at different speeds.
Realitme Adjustment of Sampling Rate and Bit Resolution
Dynamically adjust the audio sampling rate and bit resolution so that you can listen to the effect they have on audio quality
Echo Effect
Manipulate the input signal to introduce an echo delay. Use a potentiometer to dynamically adjust the amount of delay.
Four Sample 12-bit Sampler
Divide the Audio Hacker SRAM into 4 banks so that you can record and play back 4 different samples.
3-Track Looper with Audio Mixing
Record up to 3 different tracks and loop them automatically. All the loops will be mixed together.
Voice Changer
Use granular synthesis to change the pitch of a recorded sample. Alter the grain size and play the same grain multiple times to create bizarre effects!
MIDI Triggering
Play your Audio Hacker like a MIDI instrument by using a MIDI shield and an external MIDI controller.
Playing Samples in Reverse
This simple project shows how you can play recorded samples in reverse.
Drum Machine
Record up to 3 different samples and create your own looped beats by tapping out a rhythm for each sample. All tracks will be mixed together and each track has volume control.
Connecting an Electret Microphone
This project shows how to connect an electret microphone to your Audio Hacker. Use the preamp gain to amplify the input signal.
Battery Backup for Recorded Samples
Connect a coin cell battery to preserve the contents of the Audio Hacker SRAM.
Frequency Filtering
Filter an audio signal using a low-pass, high-pass, or band-pass resonant filter.
Realtime Voice Changer
Lower the pitch of the audio input in realtime!